Emergency Shelters
Emergency Shelters
Downtown Mission of Windsor - The Sanctuary 519-973-5573
664 Victoria Ave.
Emergency shelter, no identiftcation required
Hiatus House 519-252-7781
250 Louis Ave.
Emergency shelter and crisis intervention for women and their children experiencing domestic violence
Salvation Army Windsor Community and Rehabilitation Centre 519-253-7473
355 Church Street
Emergency housing services/accommodations for families until next business day
Well-Come Centre for Human Potential 519-971-7595
263 Bridge Ave., Windsor Emergency shelter for homeless women
Youth and Family Resource Network of Essex County - THRIVE
Kingsville - 23 Mill St. W., 519-733-8983
Leamington - 215 Talbot St. E., 519-326-7052
Housing assistance program - provides information on emergency and transitional