Substance Abuse and Addictions
Substance Abuse
Al-Alon /Alateen Family Groups 519-790-7739
Support groups that share experiences, strengths and hopes related to problems due to alcoholism
Brentwood Recovery Home 519-253-2441
2335 Dougall Ave., Windsor, ON
Offers residential and non-residential addiction treatment for men and women,16 years of age and older. Programming for
those aged 13 to 15 years is non-residential. Call intake at ext. 206 before visiting.
Can-Am Indian Friendship Centre of Windsor Inc 519-253-3243
Culturally appropriate counselling services regarding substance abuse
House of Sophrosyne 519-252-2711; 1-877-533-9503
Offers counselling services focusing on substance abuse and parenting workshops
Canadian Mental Health Association 519-255-7440
1400 Windsor Ave., Windsor, ON
One to One Addictions Support Program
Helps individuals (aged 16 years and older) who have a diagnosis of mental illness and struggle with an addiction to develop a treatment plan.
Concurrent Disorders Family Group. 519-255-9940 ext. 273.
Provides support and education to individuals who have a family member with a concurrent disorder (those with mental illness and substance use).
Drug and Alcohol Helpline: 1-800-565-8603
Mental Health Helpline: 1-866-531-2600
Ontario Problem Gambling Helpline: 1-888-230-3505
Community Crisis Counselling 519-973-4435 (24 hour, 7 days a week crisis line)
Windsor Regional Hospital - Ouellette Campus, Jeanne Mance Building, 1st floor.
Open Monday to Friday, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Walk-ins welcome.
Services are covered by OHIP.
After hours: Windsor Regional Hospital, Ouellette Campus, Emergency Department
Crossroads Centre for Personal Empowerment 519-252-5456
1980 Ottawa St., Lower Unit, Windsor, ON
Education, support, and counselling.
United Way Community Aftercare programs 519-252-2711 ext. 109
Windsor: 1574 Lincoln Rd.
Leamington: 215 Talbot St. E.
Supportive Housing Program 519-252-2711 ext. 107
A concurrent supportive housing program. Eight units available.
Narcotics Anonymous 1-800-811-3887
Open to anyone who wants to do something about his or her drug abuse problem.
New Beginnings – Non-Residential Attendance Centre Phone: 519-971-0973
1015 highland Ave., Windsor, ON
Offers individual substance abuse counselling.
Provides assessment and treatment for mandated youth justice clients, aged 12 – 20 years and those referred by
the WECDSB for substance use, abuse, and dependency.
Salvation Army MAST
(Men’s Addiction Support and Treatment Program) 519-253-4225 ext. 230
Windsor Community and Rehabilitation Centre
355 Church Street, Windsor, ON
Day treatment addiction counselling program. Services are free. No local website available.
Teen Health Centre 519-253-8481
1361 Ouellette Ave., Windsor, ON
City and county services available at several locations. Counselling services are free for those aged 12 to 24 years.